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20 Fun Team Names for a Pub Quiz

The most fun quiz team names

In recent years, we have organized many pub quizzes and there are always names that have stuck with us. Below you will find the most fun names.

  1. Quizzy McGuire

  2. The Resistance

  3. GoalDiggers

  4. Quiztian Dior

  5. FalsePositive

  6. Quiztus

  7. Never gonna quiz you up

  8. Dummies

  9. Whiskeypedia

  10. The Quizzicals

  11. Quizzly Bears

  12. Whiskey Wizards

  13. Trivia Troopers

  14. Wise Cracks

  15. The Smartinis

  16. Quizzie Rascals

  17. The Inquizitors

  18. Just quizzing

  19. The Quizzards of Odd

  20. Witty in a Committee

Funny team names for announcing scores

During a pub quiz, the interim scores are often announced. Some team names are extra fun or confusing when announced. Take advantage of these funny team names:

  1. Next question, please

  2. The Winners!

  3. We Thought This Was Speed Dating

  4. Awkward Silence

  5. My Drinking Team Has a Trivia Problem

  6. The Team that Doesn't Know Anything

Want to buy a ready-made pubquiz?

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Come up with a fun team name yourself

A good name for your pub quiz can be just as important as the questions themselves. It sets the tone for the entire evening and ensures that the pubquiz becomes unforgettable. But how do you come up with an original and catchy name for your quiz? Here are some tips to get you started.

Choose a theme
A theme can be a great source of inspiration for a quiz name. Think about the topic of your quiz and try to come up with a pun or other creative approach that fits the theme. For example: if you are organizing a movie quiz, you can think of names like "Lights, Camera, Action".

Use humor
A catchy name for a quiz can also be funny. Think of a pun that refers to the quiz or the participants. Like "You're a Quizzard Harry" for a Harry Potter quiz or "The Spanish Inquisition" for a history quiz.

Make it personal
If you are organizing your quiz for a special occasion, such as a birthday or anniversary, try to come up with a name that is personal and fits the occasion. For example, "The Golden Years" for a 50th-anniversary party.

Coming up with a quiz name may take some time and creativity, but it can make the difference between an ordinary quiz night and an unforgettable experience. With these tips, you can come up with a quiz name that suits your quiz and gets participants excited for an evening of fun and knowledge. Good luck!

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